Zigbir Liquid (1 L)


For Poultry/ Swine/ Ruminants

  • Best Hepato-protectant
  • Shelters the animal from mycotoxins and chemical toxins.
  • Stimulates optimum bile production and bile flow.
  • Improves utilization of nutrients.
  • Aids in Detoxification.
  • No residual effects.
  • No drug interaction.

A synergistic combination of selective herbs rich with the following phytoconstituents:

  • Andrographolide – Known as the King of Bitters that targets the recovery of hepatocytes to its normal polyhendral shape with the development of clear cell lining and reduces vacuolated nuclei even in challenged conditions.
  • Phyllanthin – Has an antioxidant properties and mechanism on hepatoprotection.
  • Boeravinone B – Possesses strong hepatoprotective activity by combating challenge conditions and avoiding changes in cell permeability by reducing the injurious
  • effects or to preserve the normal hepatic physiologic mechanism which have been distributed by hepatotoxin.

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